Below you will find ministries where you are invited to connect and serve allowing you to grow in your faith and plug into our church and local community. If you have questions or would like to know more, please click on the ministry links below for more information.
Serve others
Bunk & a Prayer
Bunk and a Prayer began when the Friends' Sunday School Class, operating under the umbrella of Sierra Vista United Methodist Church, decided to be more than hearers of the Word, but to put their beliefs into action.
We committed to heed the call of Matthew 25:40: "truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."
Bunk and a Prayer is determined to go beyond just sending a check. They identified a need and picked up their hammers and made it happen. They are making an investment of one of their most precious resources, their time.
Chilren's Bed Project
The Children’s Bed Project began in 2014 with the mission of providing a bed and bedding for all elementary students in San Angelo Independent School District who are in need of a bed. SAISD personnel help to identify the students and provide vouchers to parents to redeem for beds and bedding. Rust Street Ministries provides warehouse space and distribution of beds and bedding.
During our first school year, 238 beds were given to children in need and over 1,400 beds have been given since the project began. The project also provides beds to Child Protective Services as needed. Sierra Vista church staff and volunteers provide all administrative duties. One hundred percent of every dollar given goes directly to provide a bed or bedding.
sierra vista's Great Days of service
A day for us to gather to share the love of God with our community and beyond through tangible acts of service.
All age groups and abilities are encouraged to participate with a variety of opportunities available to choose to fit your interests and abilities. Great Days of Service are held twice a year, in Spring and Fall, on a Saturday morning.
Texas ramp project
The Texas Ramp Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides free wheelchair ramps to low-income older adults and people with disabilities identified by local health care providers. Ramps are built exclusively with volunteer labor, keeping costs to a minimum. Ramps are built without regard to race, religion, ethnicity, age or gender.
The Texas Ramp Project's vision is that no resident in the Concho Valley area shall lack safe access because of financial limitations. -
Sierra Vista mEN
Methodist Men’s Group – actively supports the Harvest Festival, the Easter Breakfast, and other events as needed.
They also provides labor for numerous Church projects. Recently re-established, they are in the process of enhancing the Volunteer Repairman Operation which will provide low or zero cost repair work to church members in need.
SVUMC Honduras Mission Team supports the ongoing work of Honduras Outreach International (HOI) in the the Agalta Valley of Honduras.
For the past 30 years HOI has been instrumental in fostering long term, sustainable transformation in this area of Honduras by focusing on 6 areas: Agricultural training, Community Development, Education, Medical Care, and Spiritual Development. HOI is empowering communities and enabling them to become healthier and self-sufficient.
"Though we go as a mission team to Honduras to help those less fortunate, my heart is always warmed when we are greeted by people with so little, and yet they are so happy and content with what they have. We always leave with more then what we gave.” --- SVUMC Honduras Team Member
The mission of the Harvest Festival is to promote fellowship, camaraderie, and charity at Sierra Vista UMC and in the community of San Angelo, and to raise funds for local outreach and care organizations. The Harvest Festival is on the first Saturday of October every year. Join Sierra Vista for pumpkins, games, food and a great time!