children's Bed project

In 2013, as an extension of Sierra Vista United Methodist’s outreach at one elementary school, a plan was made to reach out to the parents at that school to provide beds for students who didn’t have beds. That year we gave beds to approximately ten percent of the school’s population. Children were sleeping on floors, couches, and crowded beds with multiple siblings.

In the 2014-15 school year, Children’s Bed Project began to expand to all elementary campuses in San Angelo. Sierra Vista provides all the funding for beds and bedding as well as volunteer and administrative support. This allows 100% of all monies to be used for purchasing beds and bedding. San Angelo Independent School District’s teachers and counselors identify students and provide vouchers to parents. Vouchers are redeemed at Rust Street Ministries which provides warehousing and distribution of beds, pillows, and bedding. 

Since that time, over 1,800 beds have been provided to children coming from every elementary school in San Angelo. With 180 school days per school year, that computes to one bed for every school day for the first ten years. The need is real.

E-mail from a grateful school counselor

Good Afternoon,

I visited with you on Wednesday morning about the bed project. I honestly have story after story about the amazing things the beds have done for our students. One of my favorite stories was at least 7 years ago. I had a brother and sister pair in Kindergarten and 1st grade. The students were having a lot of trouble at school with staying awake in class. Their home language is Spanish, and they were unsure who they could trust. At first the mom was scared to tell me what their situation truly was. Eventually she warmed up and let me know that the kids did not have beds at home. As a matter of fact, they had very little of anything at their house. The father worked out of town and the mom did not drive. It was the first beds I ever picked up through the bed project and delivered to their home. Their house was completely spotless. I was able to deliver 2 beds and a box of food from Rust Street Ministries. The entire family was so appreciative. From that day forward the family trusted me completely. Despite the language barrier (I don’t speak Spanish) the entire family hugs me every time they see me. The simple act of helping them to get beds through the Bed Project at Sierra Vista built a trust with the family that has remained through the years. Over the years I have used the bed project as a school counselor many, many times. I have delivered dozens of beds when they do not have a vehicle large enough or a vehicle at all. It is always a bright spot in my day. The relief you can see on a parent’s face when they have a bed for their child is one of the most rewarding parts of my job. I would be happy to help this program in any way I can. I have witnessed firsthand what a blessing this is to the most vulnerable lives in our community. Thank you for all you do!

Meliah Taylor

Bradford Elementary

School Counselor

How you can give

Invest in providing beds for every child in our community

Sierra Vista church staff and volunteers provide all administrative duties. One hundred percent of every dollar given goes directly to provide a bed or bedding.

  • $50.00 cost of bedding
  • $250 cost of comforter, pillow and bed

To make donations to Children’s Bed Project, please follow the link below: