AltA Loma

Sierra Vista UMC and Alta Loma Elementary - a Community Connection Initiative

Sierra Vista connects with Alta Loma Elementary to provide support and service to their staff and students.  There are many rewarding ways to participate in this outreach regardless of your skills or available time. 


Opportunities for Service

JOIN THE COMMITTEE-The committee meets 5-6 times during the months of August-May to plan the activities at the school.


TEACHER APPRECIATION-Assist or take the lead in providing luncheons a few times during the year as well as small treats in teacher’s mailboxes

PRAYER PARTNERS- agree to lift up in prayer an assigned staff person and their students and communicate with them on email to know their prayer needs and to encourage them with prayer

CHRISTMAS GIFTS-Provide new or gently used children's books for student gifts.  Help to plan, organize and distribute Christmas gifts for each student at Alta Loma

For more information on any of these opportunities of service contact LuAnn Lupton,