Our mission is to provide Christian ministry to the needs of Senior Adults
at Sierra Vista United Methodist Church and the San Angelo area.
senior adult ministries
Our mission is to provide Christian ministry to the needs of Senior Adults
at Sierra Vista United Methodist Church and the San Angelo area.
first tuesday of each month: fun fest 9am-noon
Fun Fest is full of great fellowship, devotionals and games. And lunch is an "always delicious" pot luck!
Birthday cards are sent to seniors each month.
Come join us!
circuit singers
Do you love to sing and want to use your voice as a way to love others?
Circuit Singers will be singing on a quarterly basis with the elderly in area locations. We lead them in songs that celebrate the golden days of hymn singing. Then we have lunch at one of San Angelo’s fine restaurants.
Hymn sings for 2025 will be March 11th,
June 10th, Sept 9th and Dec 9th.
We leave SVUMC at 9:30 to sing at 10:00.
If you would like to join us contact Margot at mporterfield@sierravista.org
monthly outings for Seniors (55 and older)
Our outings provide a variety of experiences:
home Visits
Some of our members and loved ones are no longer physically able to come to Sierra Vista. Our Home Visitation teams are committed to ensure that these folks continue to be part of our church body. Our goal is to provide communion once a month, as well as maintain regular visitation.
Do you know a church member who would like a visit? Would you like to part of our Visitation Team?
email: mporterfield@sierravista.org
Improve your balance,
improve your life
Decrease your chances of falling.
Increase your flexibility and range of motion.
Help maintain your independence.
Mondays 10-11am
Fellowship Hall
Ongoing classes for Chair Yoga Wednesdays 10am
and Strength/Core Fitness on Fridays at 10am in the Fellowship Hall
All Free of Charge.